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Zowie - Zena Warrior Princess, Sep 2009/May 2012


0 June 01, 2012 in Felines
Zowie come to us as a foster kitten, she was once wild and most of her siblings died except for her. This is the beginning of her story, she was a warrior from day 1. My resident tomcat Dash fell in love with her during her foster period with us and I just couldn't let her go. She was always the type of cat that had her one or two favorite people/cat! and to those select few she gave so much love and loyalty. She had a feisty personality too and had no problem giving evil glances when she was annoyed and letting others know she didn't approve of them. She was a sweetheart, our sweetheart and yet an independent strong feline full of character.

She was diagnosed with intestinal lymphoma in Sept.2011. The root cause was unclear as her blood tests for FIV came back false negative. It was a complete shock and we were terrified at the time. We made sure to make every day with her count. I have never felt such an emotional connection with another animal and it is something I doubt I will ever feel again. This is the power her affection and intellect had. Zowie passed away on the 12th of May 2012. She has been sickly the previous two weeks and had been to the vets four times, on her last vet visit we were told she had a few months. I could tell something was wrong with her a few days before her passing. She would lie on top of me, her head pressed firmly on my chest, and she was weak, her little body just couldn't take it any-more after several months of chemo.She knew she was so loved and cared for and that we would be right by her side protecting her until the very end. The unbreakable connection is something that made me care for her as if I was her surrogate mother and something which will keep her presence and love ingrained in my mind and my heart forever.

Nothing will be the same without her. She had such a presence, she made life that bit more brighter. Zowie my baby I wish things didn't work out as they did. She deserved a longer life, she was harmless and loving. She passed at around 2 years and 8 months of age. I can feel her weight on my heart even after she is gone, I know our connection will never be lost. We Love you Zozo and Miss you more and more every second. Sweet dreams warrior angel. XxXxXxXx
Last Modified: June 01, 2012
  • Visits: 3016
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* Disclaimer - We are not vets, PLEASE if your cat is sick, seek veterinary attention. We are here merely to offer support and treatment options we have tried for our own felines while under the care and guidance of our own veterinarians or specialists. NO content on this website is intended to be given or taken as medical advice.

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