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Squeeky Belle Winky - August 29, 1993 to February 7, 2011

Squeeky Belle Winky

0 February 17, 2012 in Felines
Squeeky was rescued from a llama farm when she was only 2 months old. The vet was not sure she would make it through the night as she had an upper respiratory infection and had already lost her left eye. She fought through and became a part of my life, and my furry companion. She would spend some time outside, but only when we were outside with her - so she never wandered far, but still got to enjoy the smell of fresh air and swatting at bugs.

In her older years, she just enjoyed sitting by the fire, or in the sunny spot in the house, and getting her fur brushed. Around her 14th birthday she was diagnosed with IBD. After several vet visits and many rounds of food trial and errors, we got settled on a food and pred routine that kept her IBD under control and Squeeky healthy and happy. In January 2011, at her geriatric exam, her bloodwork indicated something was not quite right. After a few more vet visits and tests and scans, we received the diagnosis of lymphoma on January 28. We increased her pred dosage and had just started chemo (she only had one dose because we needed to have it compounded for her), before she passed away on Monday, February 7.

I miss her terribly and feel as though I failed to see the signs sooner. She passed away on her own, and we were with her in her waning moments. Rest in peace my sweet girl.
Last Modified: February 29, 2012
  • Visits: 4739
  • (Current Rating 3.7/5 Stars) Total Votes: 9
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* Disclaimer - We are not vets, PLEASE if your cat is sick, seek veterinary attention. We are here merely to offer support and treatment options we have tried for our own felines while under the care and guidance of our own veterinarians or specialists. NO content on this website is intended to be given or taken as medical advice.

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