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Group Member Kitties

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Site Resources

:: Join Our Yahoo Group

Please join our Feline Lymphoma group, excellent support and all the great advice you'll ever need.

:: Getting Started

Symptoms, Diagnosis & Diagnostic Tools, Research Documents, Chemicals & Protocols, Drugs, Holistic Remedies and more ...

:: Financial Resources

Links to some wonderful organizations that can help provide funding for your pets prolonged medical treatments or emergencies.

:: Veterinary Resources

Names of Vets specializing in feline cancer treatment, some used and recommended by group members.

:: Nutritional Information

Keeping your cancer patient eating well during treatment is very important, how too article written by a several group members.

:: Misc. Tips, Tidbits & Info

Links and informative tidbits of information that just didn't fit anywhere else.

:: FLC Memorials

Memorials to our furkids that have passed on, some from their cancer but many from other things ... all fukids are welcome.

:: Kitty Gallery

Pictures of all our furkids. Not to brag but we sure have some good looking kitties!!

Informative Tidbits

Some of the standard chemo drugs used are - Elspar (Lasparaginase), Vincristine, Cytoxan, Adriamycin (Doxorubicin), Methotrexate, and Prednisone. For more information on drugs and protocols, please read Chemo & Protocols

Prescription Rights & Pilling Problem Cats - Some state regulations require a veterinarian to provide a prescription rather than dispense a drug when requested by the client. None of these laws require the veterinarian to write a prescription in the absence of a veterinarian-client-patient relationship or if the drug is not medically indicated. For a list of these states, click here.
Cornell University has some great videos on how to medicate your cat using a variety of ways. It is helpful for those who have never had to medicate their kitties before and may help those with problem kitties. Click here for these and other helpful videos..

Pain Control - Many vets are just beginning to realize that pain control and management are essential to speedy healing and recovery. This document helps explain the importance of this often overlooked area of pet health care.

Simple easy to understand article on how to read and understand your cat's Blood [Serum] Chemistry.

Misc. Feline Health Links
Care For Animals
Feline CRF Info Center
Tanya's CRF Info
[in the UK]

Pain Control

Many vets are just beginning to realize that pain control and management are essential to speedy healing and recovery. This document helps explain the importance of this often overlooked area of pet health care.
PDF version

Prescription Rights & Pilling Problem Cats

Some state regulations require a veterinarian to provide a prescription rather than dispense a drug when requested by the client. None of these laws require the veterinarian to write a prescription in the absence of a veterinarian-client-patient relationship or if the drug is not medically indicated. For a list of these states, click here.

Cornell University has some great videos on how to medicate your cat using a variety of ways. It is helpful for those who have never had to medicate their kitties before and may help those with problem kitties. Click here for these and other helpful videos.

Misc. Medical/Feline Links for Cats - a website with facts, resources and a community for dealing with lymphoma and other cancers for cats, dogs and people.

Merek Online Veterinary Manual - The single most comprehensive electronic reference for animal care information.

Animal Wellness Magazine - Lots of info on feeding, resources, vets and more!

Little Lotus Hearts - Website with interesting and unique services for people who have a deep love and respect for animals. - Cat Health is a website written by Dr. Christianne Schelling.

Cat Health Articles - A huge collection of articles dealing with just about any cat health and care issue.

Pet Loss & Grief Sites

Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement - an extensive list of specialized help categories, utilizing professionally trained volunteers in pet bereavement counseling, many services are free, some others require membership, they are a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
* Disclaimer - We are not vets, PLEASE if your cat is sick, seek veterinary attention. We are here merely to offer support and treatment options we have tried for our own felines while under the care and guidance of our own veterinarians or specialists. NO content on this website is intended to be given or taken as medical advice.

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Featured Case Study

:: Kalysta
Is a female, DLH
Diagnosed with
Lymphoblastic GI Lymphoma

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