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Simba - 4/28/1999 - 2/25/2012


0 February 27, 2012 in Felines
Simba was our beautiful little rescue cat that was a part of our family for nearly 13 years, he loved home and loved his little life, was full of character and affection. During early February 2012 we all noticed Simba had experienced a dramatic weight loss, he was taken to the vets and it was found that he had a mass in his stomach. Later that evening they asked myself if they could operate to remove the tumour, the operation and recovery was touch and go, after a week he seemed to be getting back to his normal self. A biopsy revealed it was feline lymphoma.

After 3 days of being back to his normal self he rapidly deteriorated, 16 days after the operation he was struggling to breathe and very lethargic and uncomfortable, the vet came to our house and explained he was a very poorly cat. So we had our perfect beautiful little boy put to sleep to end his suffering. The house is so empty now and he is so sadly missed. We all wish that wherever our beautiful baby is that he is happy and content!! Simba will always be in our hearts, sleep well little lion king xxxxxxxx
Last Modified: February 27, 2012
  • Visits: 2875
  • (Current Rating 3.8/5 Stars) Total Votes: 8
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* Disclaimer - We are not vets, PLEASE if your cat is sick, seek veterinary attention. We are here merely to offer support and treatment options we have tried for our own felines while under the care and guidance of our own veterinarians or specialists. NO content on this website is intended to be given or taken as medical advice.

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