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Marcus - 2005 to 7-2012


0 September 27, 2012 in Felines
My Marcus went from about 6oz when we first adopted him to 22llbs of muscle. He was the most delightfully sweet and obnoxious feline I've ever had the pleasure of sharing a part of my life with. He loved to fetch and acted part dog sometimes. He frequently would stand up and shake like a dog.

If he did something he knew we would not approve of, generally using the sofa as scratching post or immediately laying on the clothes put out for work. He would flop like a rag-doll and roll around purring and meowing. It was later tagged his attention dance. Generally hefting him up to be held or scratched under his chin would cure him. He was hit by a car July 27th. I miss him constantly. I still see those big green eyes peering at me.
Last Modified: September 27, 2012
  • Visits: 2704
  • (Current Rating 5.0/5 Stars) Total Votes: 1
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* Disclaimer - We are not vets, PLEASE if your cat is sick, seek veterinary attention. We are here merely to offer support and treatment options we have tried for our own felines while under the care and guidance of our own veterinarians or specialists. NO content on this website is intended to be given or taken as medical advice.

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