Leo - 2003 - July 8th, 2013
Rest in Peace My beautiful, handsome boy Leo. Starting last year his
lymph nodes under his neck swelled up and we had them biopsied, but they
came back clear. Then in Feb. he got a severe kidney infection (he
already had FLUTD) and he was put on 6 weeks of antibiotics and we got
the "all clear"...
Then in May after being sick several times, the vet
felt a mass in his abdomen which turned out to be cancer in the spleen.
And after further tests it turns out he had systemic lymphoma. We got
an awful shock. They told us he was very sick and we should put him down
immediately, but I held off and my local vet gave him anabolic steroid
injections which perked him up for the next 6 weeks..
However, on the
7th July he started hiding under the bed, even though he would come out at mealtimes and you could see that he wanted to eat so badly, but
couldn't... He had some trouble breathing, but still was affectionate as
ever. However, he was severely anemic the next day and I had to make
the awful decision to have him put to sleep.
I nearly died myself when
he took his last breath. He was so special and affectionate and I miss
his lovely little head which he would squish in under my chin, while
purring madly... I miss calling his name "Leo" and I miss hearing his
little paws racing madly down the stairs to greet me.
God bless you Leo,
our souls are entwined forever xxxx "Shine Bright Like a Diamond" my
little Mr. Twisty Head xx
Last Modified: April 28, 2014