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Cat: Griffin
male (neutered), likely Russian Blue mix

Type of Lymphoma:
GI lymphoma, low grade, slow growing, small cell, diffuse in distal small intestine. Main symptoms diarrhea and weight loss.

FeLV Status:

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Griffin's Case Study  

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Other Diseases/Conditions:

Story: Griffin was 6 at diagnosis, by surgical biopsy. He had the 6-month COPA protocol (Cytoxan, vincristine, pred, adriamycin). Induction was cytoxan, vincristine, and prednisone. Then he had 5 adriamycin treatments. He had mild nausea, vomiting, weight loss with cytoxan and adriamycin and lost all his whiskers from adriamycin. He went into remission by a couple of weeks into treatment.

Outcome: As of June 2005, he is still with us! He is still in remission, though a recent biopsy showed the cancer is still there, just nearly dormant. He is still thin; 8 lbs when he should be around 9 but is maintaining his weight. His system is sensitive. He's prone to clostridial overgrowth when stressed but metronidazole clears it. No chemo at the present time, but if he starts to lose weight and have diarrhea he'll probably be back on it.

- By Connie Griffin's Mom -
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 Chemo Protocol Used 

COP/Adriamicin Protocol used, you can find it in the document below listed in alphabetical order [under Chemo Drugs] Chemo & Protocols [pdf].

 Holistic Remedies Used 

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