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Case Studies Home > Uncommon Forms Of Lymphoma > Java
Sex / Breed: Singapura
Type Of Cancer: Lymphoma
Other Health Problems: None, incredibly healthy

Java's Story
by Marie Geary

It has taken a while for me to write Java’s story. He was Chip’s litter brother and more of a cat’s cat than a people cat. He lost his best friend, Taz, to old age and Arthritis. By then Buffy and Chip were gone and Java was lost and grieving. I would get on the floor with him to do a few exercises and he finally joined me.when I stretched out on the floor he would mimic me. Java decided I was his 2 legged cat and we became close. He knew the sound of my car and would be at the door for me. He would steal my pillows to sleep with me and would let me know when it was time for me to sit in “our chair” so he could be in my lap.
Late February or early March Java started what seemed like a respiratory infection; runny eye and nasal drainage but only on the right side. We saw a new vet at the clinic that we take our cats to. She didn’t know me or my cat. Antibiotics didn’t help and we worried b/c his symptoms reminded us of Buffy. So back to the vet to see one of the docs that had treated Buffy and Chip. This time we had him X-rayed and lab work done. The X-rays told the story. He had a tumor behind his eye and in the sinus area. I knew that chemo wouldn’t give us much time and Java was incredibly difficult to medicate. The doctor gave him a strong dose of steroid injectible and we started him on pred. He was good for a couple of weeks and then we tried one more injection. That only bought us a few more days. He played with me one night and came up to bed and we had a love fest. Before, he had withdrawn but that night I had my Java back. It was time to let him join Buffy and Chip. I’m in tears now as I write this. Java crossed the bridge on April 23, 2019 at the young age of 13. He would have been 14 on July 12. I miss him so much. Chip was always my boy, but Java and I became so much closer than I ever could have imagined. Every day I want him back. We have a 17 year old torti Oriental Shorthair that needs a lot of care and attention so getting another Singapura is on hold for now. It has been so painful to lose all three to the same disease and in so short a time frame. We thought it was genetic but after reading so many stories, I’m not so sure.

  ADDRESS - California, USA  
Added 07/20/2019
Updated 12/08/2021
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