Sex / Breed: |
Female, 8, Persian |
Type Of Cancer: |
lymphosarcoma, high grade, mesentreic lymph node, liver |
Other Health Problems: |
None |
Maddie's Story by missyhernandez
I came home from a trip and noticed that Maddie seemed to have lost some weight. AI left her with a house/cat sitter who gave me daily reports that she was fine, so I attributed it to being depressed. She started seemed very hungry so I fed her as much as she seemed to want, but after she would position and look in pain as the food was digesting. I took her to the vet and he palpated a mass. He did an x ray and blood work which just showed elevated liver enzymes. We went back for a sonogram (not sure at this point why this was necessary since he felt a mass) and he said I needed to take her right away for exploratory surgery. I took her in and on 10/07/2011 the surgeon removed a blocage in her small intestine which was boarder free. However, the mesenteric lymph node was also affected and the biopsy of the liver showed that it was affected also. We brought her home and fed her baby food as her intestine healed. I have been researching treatment options, and started her on the CCNU protocall on 10/30/2011 as Kitty Chemo has been ill advised by my family and friends. Now that I know more, I am considering the Madison Wisconsin Protocall. I want to fight with her, I dont think her days should be as numbered as they seem.