Oberon's Story by Cristina
Oberon is a sweet 3 years old cat and I'm desperate, because it seems that he has mesenteric lymphoma and I don't know if I can help him. He started with anorexia, weight loss and costipation, without any other symptoms. The vet did blood tests and he had hypercalcemia. 15,8 ml/dl, urinary infection and crystals in urine. Everything else was fine. After that they did an ultrasound and they saw two mesenteric lymph nodes of 1,52 and 1,92 cm and abdominal effusion. Everything else was fine. The result from the aspiration fine needle citology was inconclusive and we will do a biopsy so we could have certain diagnosis. I still hope that it's something else, but they seem pretty certain that it's a lymphoma. I will post when I receive more information about his illness.