Pawngo - March 99 to June 2, 2012
Pawngo was my baby, to honor my grandparents who taught me to love cats.
We went through many things together. When I met my husband in 2005,
Pawngo and he became the best of friends, and when our son was born in
2009, Pawngo was so protective of his baby. In November of 2011, I
found out he was half Siamese (which I had known since adoption) and
half Maine Coon Cat, he had to be hospitalized with urinary blockage,
and June 1,2012 he began to act strange. June 2 led to different blood
work, and the x-ray showing the lymphoma mass in his abdomen. My baby
died the day before my grandfather had 13 yrs before and a month and a
day before our 13th birthday together. We miss him so very much.
Last Modified: June 07, 2012